Saturday, 15 August 2009


‘This is a seminal study of Messianic Jewish theology and required reading

for anyone who seeks to understand the history and influence of Messianic


Dan Cohn-Sherbok, Rabbi and Professor of Judaism, University of Wales

‘Richard Harvey’s book fills a gap by not only explaining and analyzing the

broad spectrum of theological views within the Messianic Jewish movement

but doing so fairly. No seminary or study program focusing on Messianic

Judaism should be without it.’

David Stern, translator ofThe Jewish New TestamentandThe Complete

Jewish Bible; and author ofThe Jewish New Testament Commentary

‘I think that Richard Harvey’s important and eminently fair book is the most

accurate description of the theological views and practical philosophical

underpinnings put forth by leaders of the Messianic Jewish movement. This

is the right book to read to gain a broad understanding of the issues.’

Daniel Juster, Director of Tikkun International and Professor at the Messianic

Jewish Bible Institute, The King’s Seminary, Los Angeles

‘In this pioneering study Richard Harvey provides a lucid, accurate, and

comprehensive survey of Messianic Jewish thought at the beginning of the

21st Century. His work will be of enormous value for those outside the

movement who seek an orientation to its theological development, and also

for those within who look for guidance in charting a path for the future.’

Mark Kinzer, President of Messianic Jewish Theological Institute, based in

Los Angeles and author ofPostmissionary Messianic Judaism

‘Richard Harvey richly repays the promise of his many years of research in

this field with a long-awaited book that does exactly what it says –

providing a map of the complex territory of Messianic Jewish theology. The

clarity and detail of Harvey’s masterly analysis of the breadth of views on

the most significant issues is enlightening and dispels simplistic stereotypes.

This is a landmark survey of the movement’s theology that builds a platform

for its own ongoing theological development, and also provides a richly

informative resource for those of us who, as Gentile believers, seek a

scripturally critical engagement in the bonds of fellowship with our Jewish

sisters and brothers in the Messiah.’

Christopher J. H. Wright, International Director, Langham Partership


‘To know and appreciate the game, you need to know the rules the players

play by, the players and their tendencies. Mapping Messianic Judaismis such a

theological scorecard. It reflects the history of discussion about the messianic

movement, showing its diversity and vibrancy. It is a superb introduction

into an often neglected sphere of the body of Christ. Well done and highly


Darrell Bock, Research Professor of NT Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary,


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